Welcome to Emerging Markets 2025 Enrollment
(AF Group, Emergient, Senior Health Services and Corporate Functions)
Emerging Markets offers a variety of pre-tax flexible spending accounts through Health Equity.
A Flexible Spending Account allows you to pay for non-covered medical expenses, such as prescription and office copays, vision and dental costs.
- Up to $3,200 year.
- Covers deductibles, copays, medical expenses not covered by insurance (excludes plan premiums).
- Plan includes a grace period, which allows participants to utilize any remaining current year funds through March 15 of the next plan year.
- Note: You cannot be enrolled in a high deductible health plan and have a flexible spending account.
A Dependent Care Savings Account allows you to use pre-tax money to pay for eligible dependent care services, such as preschool, summer day camp, before or after school programs, and child or adult daycare.
- Up to $5,000 per year (combined family limit)
- Covers dependent care expenses such as childcare for children up to age 13 and preschool costs. Also covers care for an elderly parent, disabled spouse or other dependent.
Click here for a list of allowable expense under medical Flexible Spending Accounts.
For questions, contact your benefits team via the following options (Available M-F 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM EDT):
- HRRequest@emergentholdingsinc.com
- 517‐708‐5400